Formalized in 2014, in order to consolidate the management of the numerous subsidiaries of the Lizmontagens parent company, based in Lisbon, Portugal, as well as to strengthen its presence in industrial sectors as diverse as glass, steel production, cement, and energy production, among others, LTT Group is today the world leader in the assembling of industrial furnaces and is considered one of the main international references in know-how applied to industrial heat containment. Foreign markets account for over 95% of the Group's turnover. LTT Group focuses his activities on the following areas:
Established as the leader in the Portuguese market, the Group began the implementation of its new millennium strategy of internationalizing its services, through direct investments in Europe, especially in France, which were widened in subsequent years through acquisitions and investments in South America, Africa, Southeast Asia and Japan. | |
Lizmontagens SA, the best known of LTT Group's companies, is linked to the Delgado family, which, taking advantage of Portugal's industrial growth during the 1960s and 1970s, acquired the Cerâmica do Liz company, thus beginning the production of refractory products. Seeking to supplement its offer to domestic customers, Lizmontagens was born in October 1978, integrating the refractory materials installation teams into an autonomous structure. Growing steadily until 1994 and leading the Portuguese market, the need to seek out other markets motived the decision to expand Lizmontagens internationally in that year. In the first phase, between 1994 and 1998, and with the goal of serving the European market, a process of subcontracting foreign refractory companies began. This phase brought several advantages, especially:
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1998 saw the first direct investment outside of Portugal, in France, raising the company's level of exposure and responsibility.
The strategic plan outlined, focused on the glass industry, the engine of the expansion for the Group's activities, enabled a deepening of technical knowledge and experience. More recently, and following the consolidation of leadership in the European market, Lizmontagens' partner companies, now integrated into the Lizmontagens Thermal Technologies Group, are spread over five continents: from North America to Japan. | |
Constantly updating its technical knowledge and resources in order to be able to positively respond to new challenges that are put to it by different clients in the diverse industries that it serves, LTT Group plans to make its specialized teams independent for more specific operations and projects. The Lizmontagens Thermal Technologies group can thus take pride in having industrial operations throughout the world, and in serving all productive sectors that depend on heat containment. Taken together, LTT group now comprises 39 companies, with a combined turnover in excess of 160,000,000 euros, and has projects in more than 25 countries, spread over 5 continents. Currently, LTT Group's companies possess the most important certifications in terms of Health, Safety and Environmental Control - VCA/SSC** 2008, OSHAS 18001 and ISO 9001:2015. |